Athena can be tricky to set up and run under your user account. These are some minimal directions to follow.

The ATLAS Computing Workbook is chock full of helpful information about this process.

AGLT2 now uses CVMFS (distributed filesystem from CERN) to distribute ATLAS software, e.g. pathena and prun. To configure for this add these lines to your .bashrc (or equivalent for whatever shell you use):

if [ -f "/usr/local/bin/setup/" ]; then
  echo " Creating 'atlasSetup' alias..."
  alias atlasSetup="source /usr/local/bin/setup/"

When you login you'll see the message:

Creating 'atlasSetup' alias...

Typing atlasSetup on the command line will produce these messages:

...Type localSetupDQ2Client to use DQ2 Client
...Type localSetupGanga to use Ganga
...Type localSetupGcc to use alternate gcc
...Type localSetupGLite to use GLite
...Type localSetupPacman to use Pacman
...Type localSetupPandaClient to use Panda Client
...Type localSetupROOT to setup (standalone) ROOT
...Type localSetupPoD to setup Proof-on-Demand
...Type showVersions to show versions of installed software
...Type asetup [--help] to setup a release
...Type changeASetup [--help] to change asetup configuration
...Type diagnostics for diagnostic tools
...Type helpMe for help

The above commands can now be used to configure for a variety of ATLAS software-related tasks. Specifically use command asetup to configure to use a particular Athena release, e.g. like.


-- BobBall - 26 Jan 2012
Topic revision: r5 - 23 Jan 2015, BenMeekhof
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