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Numpy and Scipy at AGLT2

The numpy and scipy software packages are in common use at AGLT2, but, the installed versions are somewhat old, having to do with the dearth of rpms based upon more recent releases. The default releases are 1.9.2-1 (numpy) and 0.7.2-8 (scipy) and they appear to only work with the installed python version 2.6. We have learned though of 2 other methods to access more recent versions out of cvmfs.

CVMFS Access version 1

The most recent version is in the oasis cvmfs repository. This will gain you access to (currently) numpy 1.10.1 and scipy 0.16.1. The useful python version is 2.7.4. The procedure is
  • source /cvmfs/
  • module load python
  • module load all-pkgs
A user also suggested for their code that lapack was needed, loaded via
  • module load lapack/3.5.0

There are a couple of URLs that discuss access to these packages. Some of these mention the osg connect systems, specifically, but this portion can safely be ignored.

CVMFS Access version 2

The second cvmfs access version relies on setting up ATLAS software. However, this does not seem to be as comprehensive as the first cvmfs access method. As with CVMFS access version 1, this uses python 2.7.4.
  • source /usr/local/bin/setup/
  • lsetup python
  • localSetupSFT --cmtConfig=x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt external/pyanalysis/1.3_python2.7

This appears to get numpy 1.6.1 and scipy version 0.10.0

See this URL for more details on this method.

WARNING: Be wary of mixing too many projects out of CVMFS

Just a warning, you may run into issues of incompatible libraries if you mix the 2 CVMFS access methods.

-- BobBall - 23 May 2017
Topic revision: r1 - 23 May 2017, BobBall
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