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ATLAS Software

Installing and Running VP1 (Release 14.5.1)

Author: Steven Goldfarb | Steve's Notes: Athena | VP1 | DQ2


This is a simple tutorial for installing and running VP1 for the visualisation of the ATLAS Geometry and Event Data. It works for CERN (lxplus) and UMT3 (University of Michigan Tier 3 Cluster). It is complementary to the existing documentation found on the VP1 Home Page. Please send comments and corrections to

VP1 Use Cases

VP1 runs as an Athena Algorithm and one can install the latest version of VP1 on top of any version of Athena. See the instructions at VP1 Installation for recipes. There are essentially two modes of usage:

  1. Install VP1 and run it on an existing data file (with or without running reconstruction). The format can be Bytestream, RDO, ESD, and AOD (anything with data in StoreGate).
  2. Run VP1, as part of your existing Athena job, by turning on the appropriate jobOption flags. VP1 needs to be the last top algorithm. The only disadvantage to this is if the job normally takes a long time, due to data or database access or simply processing.

Athena Environment

To set up Athena, see the instructions at Main.StevenGoldfarbAthena, based on the ATLAS Computing Work Book. I assume here that the user has followed the steps:
  1. Set Up the CMT Environment
  2. Set Up the Athena Environment
  3. Check Out the UserAnalysis Package
  4. Test the UserAnalysis Package

Install the latest version of VP1 (building from scratch)

This is the safest method, as it builds the packages locally. There are also pre-installed patches (instructions below).

  1. Set up Athena environment: (once per login)
    cd ~/TestArea/14.5.1
    source cmthome/
  2. Download the vp1patch_cvshead_checkoutandbuildall.x script to the work area and make it executable:
    chmod +x vp1patch_cvshead_checkoutandbuildall.x
  3. On UMT3, get kerberos permission (using CERN afs password):
    UMT3> /usr/kerberos/bin/kinit myusername@CERN.CH
  4. Run the installation script: (get a coffee)

Install VP1 from pre-built patch

Here is a list of pre-built patches already installed at UMT3 (thanks to Bob Ball). For CERN, instructions can be found at VP1 Installation.

  1. List available patches:
    UMT3> ls /afs/
  2. Download the installation script:
    cd ~/TestArea/14.5.1
    chmod +x vp1-install-patch
  3. Run the script on the desired patch:
    ./vp1-install-patch /afs/

Test the VP1 Installation

  1. Run vp1 to see if all installed correctly
  2. Get some help on the command line options
    vp1 -h
  3. Try running on the AOD file already created in UserAnalysis
    cd ~/TestArea/14.5.1/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/run
    vp1 AOD.pool.root
  4. The VP1 browser will appear after the first event is initialized. Try the following:
    1. When the vp1 browser appears, click on "All studies".
    2. Add the "Tracks" and "Hits" menus by checking the boxes in the "General" menu.
    3. Go to the "Tracks" menu and pick your favorite algorithm under "Detailed Tracks" (forget about Track Particles for now).
    4. Add Segments, as you like.
    5. Go to the "Hits" meny and pick your favorite hits (MDT_DriftCircles, for example).
    6. Have fun.
    7. Click on the blue "right arrow" in the lower left, under the menus, to advance to the next event.
    8. Find more complete instructions on the VP1 3D Viewer Pages.

Run VP1 on Muon Cosmic ESD Files

This example uses ESD files created from a stripped Muon Cosmic Bytestream data file. You can download the pre-made files here or follow the instructions in the Athena Tutorial to create them yourself.

  1. Set up Athena environment: (once per login)
    cd ~/TestArea/14.5.1
    source cmthome/
  2. We will do this from the UserAnalysis area:
    cd ~/TestArea/14.5.1/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/run
  3. Download the ESD's:
  4. View the ESD file produced w/alignment corrections:
    vp1 mdaq.ATLAS.0091060.physics.CosmicMuons.ESD.align.pool.root
  5. View the ESD file produced w/o alignment corrections:
    vp1 mdaq.ATLAS.0091060.physics.CosmicMuons.ESD.noalign.pool.root

Run VP1 from an Existing Athena Job (Run on Bytestream)

These instructions show how to integrate VP1 into an existing Athena job by adding the Algorithm. The VP1 Viewer will start up once the initialization of Athena is completed and it has stopped at the first event.

Note: Initialization takes a very long time on the UMT3 machines, as the conditional database is being accessed in BNL. Best to produce the ESD data sets (see above) in the background or overnight.

  1. Set up Athena environment: (once per login)
    cd ~/TestArea/14.5.1
    source cmthome/
  2. Set up the UserAnalysis environment: (once per login)
    cd ~/TestArea/14.5.1/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/run
    source ../cmt/
  3. Add the following lines at the bottom of you favorite top level jobOptions file:
    from VP1Algs.VP1AlgsConf import VP1Alg
    topSequence += VP1Alg()
  4. Examples: Download Stripped Cosmic Bytestream file and jobOptions that include VP1:
  5. Run vp1 on the data file, applying alignment corrections:
    athena -s | tee vp1_align.log
  6. Run vp1 on the data file, w/o applying alignment corrections:
    athena -s | tee vp1_noalign.log


Major updates:
SteveGoldfarb - 30 Jan 2009 (creation) -- SteveGoldfarb - 06 Feb 2009 (update to 14.5.1)
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment manage 6 K 02 Feb 2009 - 16:48 UnknownUser top jobOption to create ESD from bytestream w/alignment corrections manage 6 K 02 Feb 2009 - 16:49 UnknownUser top jobOption to create ESD from bytestream w/o alignment corrections
mdaq.ATLAS.0091060.physics.CosmicMuons.ESD.align.pool.rootroot mdaq.ATLAS.0091060.physics.CosmicMuons.ESD.align.pool.root manage 1 K 02 Feb 2009 - 16:45 UnknownUser ESD made from Cosmic Data File (w/alignment corrections)
mdaq.ATLAS.0091060.physics.CosmicMuons.ESD.noalign.pool.rootroot mdaq.ATLAS.0091060.physics.CosmicMuons.ESD.noalign.pool.root manage 380 K 02 Feb 2009 - 16:46 UnknownUser ESD made from Cosmic Data File (w/o alignment corrections)
mdaq.ATLAS.0091060.physics.CosmicMuons.LB0001.SFO-1._0001.datadata manage 707 K 02 Feb 2009 - 16:45 UnknownUser Stripped Cosmic Bytestream Data File (only Muon data)
requirementsEXT requirements manage 1 K 02 Feb 2009 - 16:47 UnknownUser Requirements file for manage 6 K 02 Feb 2009 - 16:50 UnknownUser top jobOption to run VP1 on ESD file created w/alignment corrections manage 6 K 02 Feb 2009 - 16:50 UnknownUser top jobOption to run VP1 on ESD file created w/o alignment corrections
Topic revision: r5 - 06 Feb 2009, SteveGoldfarb
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