Testing That OSG Site is Functional

Central tests

OSG centrally tests all sites a few time a day.

Manual local tests

Authenticate to Gatekeeper

Test that the gatekeeper for MSU-OSG is accepting authenticated connections. To test, initialize an allowed grid-proxy and try a connection. The allowed grid-proxies are listed in /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile on msu-osg.aglt2.org.


=== rockwell@cap ~ > grid-proxy-info 
subject  : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Thomas D. Rockwell 611410/CN=proxy
issuer   : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Thomas D. Rockwell 611410
identity : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Thomas D. Rockwell 611410
type     : full legacy globus proxy
strength : 512 bits
path     : /tmp/x509up_u15190
timeleft : 359:32:39  (15.0 days)

=== rockwell@cap ~ > time globus-job-run msu-osg.aglt2.org/jobmanager-fork /usr/bin/id
uid=825664(samgrid) gid=55673(dzero) groups=55673(dzero)

real    0m3.674s
user    0m0.205s
sys     0m0.325s

You can see the log of this connection in /msu/opt/osg/globus/var/globus-gatekeeper.log

TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:54 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 6: /msu/opt/osg/globus/sbin/globus-gatekeeper pid=1768 starting at Sun Nov 16 12:09:54 2008

TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:54 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 0: GATEKEEPER_ACCT_FD=4 (/msu/opt/osg/globus/var/accounting.log)
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:54 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 6: Got connection at Sun Nov 16 12:09:54 2008

TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 5: Authenticated globus user: /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Thomas D. Rockwell 611410
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 0: GATEKEEPER_JM_ID 2008-11-16.12:09:55.0000001768.0000000000 for /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Thomas D. Rockwell 611410 on
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 0: GRID_SECURITY_HTTP_BODY_FD=7
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 5: Requested service: jobmanager-fork 
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 5: Authorized as local user: samgrid
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 5: Authorized as local uid: 825664
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 5:           and local gid: 55673
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 0: executing /msu/opt/osg/globus/libexec/globus-job-manager
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 0: GRID_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FD=10
TIME: Sun Nov 16 12:09:55 2008
 PID: 1768 -- Notice: 0: Child 1790 started

Storage Element

Gridftp Test

-bash-3.00$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/afs/atlas.umich.edu/OSG/globus/lib

-bash-3.00$ /afs/atlas.umich.edu/OSG/globus/bin/globus-url-copy gsiftp://msu4.aglt2.org/pnfs/msu-t3.aglt2.org//dzero/cache/uploap/cardFile_v00-09-07.tar.gz file:////tmp/cardFile_v00-09-07.tar.gz

-bash-3.00$ ls -l /tmp/cardFile_v00-09-07.tar.gz 
-rw-r--r--  1 rockwell rockwell 631700 Nov 16 23:53 /tmp/cardFile_v00-09-07.tar.gz

You can see a log entry for this connection (om msu4.aglt2.org) in the file:

root@msu4 ~# tail -1 /var/log/dcache/gridftp-msu4Domain.log
16 Nov 2008 23:53:48 Socket OPEN (ACCEPT) remote = / local = /

SRM Test

-- TomRockwell - 15 Nov 2008
Topic revision: r5 - 17 Nov 2008, TomRockwell
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