head 1.2; access; symbols KGEN_INSTALL_1214435895:1.2 KGEN_INSTALL_1214434241:1.2 KGEN_INSTALL_1214431851:1.2 KGEN_INSTALL_1212419024:1.1 TAG_10db7582c1ba262e64ff436f17278fd0:1.1; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date 2008.; author root; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2008.; author root; state Exp; branches; next ; date 2008.; author root; state Exp; branches; next ; date 2008.; author root; state Exp; branches; next ; date 2008.; author root; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @initial checkin @ 1.2 log @Kickstart Generator @ text @#!/usr/bin/perl -n # takes piped in output of "dkms status" and installs modules in built state # perl explaination. get -n option loops over input from stdin; # only use lines ending in "built", spaces are stripped, split breaks # lines into fields, system runs the dkms command, if one dkms command # fails perl should still continue (exit status of 1 in system command won't # exit script). chomp; if (/built$/){ s/\ +//g; ($mod,$mver,$kver) = split(/,/); system("dkms install -m $mod -v $mver -k $kver"); } else { print "$0 skipping line:: $_\n"; } @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 17 @ log @Kickstart Generator @ text @a0 19 #!/usr/bin/perl -n # takes piped in output of "dkms status" and installs modules in built state # perl explaination. get -n option loops over input from stdin; # only use lines ending in "built", spaces are stripped, split breaks # lines into fields, system runs the dkms command, if one dkms command # fails perl should still continue (exit status of 1 in system command won't # exit script). # am I here? chomp; if (/built\s*$/){ s/\ +//g; ($mod,$mver,$kver) = split(/,/); system("dkms install -m $mod -v $mver -k $kver"); } else { print "$0 skipping line:: $_\n"; } @ log @Kickstart Generator @ text @a0 17 #!/usr/bin/perl -n # takes piped in output of "dkms status" and installs modules in built state # perl explaination. get -n option loops over input from stdin; # only use lines ending in "built", spaces are stripped, split breaks # lines into fields, system runs the dkms command, if one dkms command # fails perl should still continue (exit status of 1 in system command won't # exit script). chomp; if (/built\s*$/){ s/\ +//g; ($mod,$mver,$kver) = split(/,/); system("dkms install -m $mod -v $mver -k $kver"); } else { print "$0 skipping line:: $_\n"; } @ log @Kickstart Generator @ text @a0 17 #!/usr/bin/perl -n # takes piped in output of "dkms status" and installs modules in built state # perl explaination. get -n option loops over input from stdin; # only use lines ending in "built", spaces are stripped, split breaks # lines into fields, system runs the dkms command, if one dkms command # fails perl should still continue (exit status of 1 in system command won't # exit script). chomp; if (/built\s*$/){ s/\ +//g; ($mod,$mver,$kver) = split(/,/); system("dkms install -m $mod -v $mver -k $kver"); } else { print "$0 skipping line:: $_\n"; } @