############################################################### # # Job options file for testing ParticleGenerator with user-supplied histograms. # #============================================================== import os import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Application Configuration options #-------------------------------------------------------------- #load relevant libraries from PartPropSvc.PartPropSvcConf import PartPropSvc ServiceMgr += PartPropSvc() # The following is needed to load the Athena Random # Number Generation Service. from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRanluxGenSvc ServiceMgr += AtRanluxGenSvc() ServiceMgr.AtRanluxGenSvc.Seeds = ["SINGLE 2040160768 443921183"] # AtRanluxGenSvc.ReadFromFile = TRUE #-------------------------------------------------------------- # ParticleGenerator parameters #-------------------------------------------------------------- from MC11JobOptions.EvgenConfig import evgenConfig runConfig = evgenConfig runConfig.generators = ["Pythia","Lhef"] runConfig.inputfilebase = "EWino_sps8_LHC7_1_decayed_events2.lhe" from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence job=AlgSequence() # get the configurable class from Pythia_i.Pythia_iConf import Pythia job += Pythia() Pythia = job.Pythia # use AUET2B-CTEQ6L1 tune Pythia.Tune_Name="ATLAS_20110003" Pythia.PythiaCommand = [ # initializations "pyinit user lhef", # read external Les Houches event file "pyinit pylisti 12", "pyinit pylistf 1", "pystat 1 3 4 5", "pyinit dumpr 1 5", # mass "pydat2 pmas 6 1 172.5", # TOP mass "pydat2 pmas 24 1 80.399", # PDG2010 W mass "pydat2 pmas 23 1 91.1876", # PDG2010 Z0 mass # settings below have no effect (widths calculated perturbatively in Pythia) #"pydat2 pmas 24 2 2.085", # PDG2010 W width #"pydat2 pmas 23 2 2.4952", # PDG2010 Z0 width ] # temporary - until settings fixed in Pythia_i interface Pythia.PythiaCommand += [ # ISR tune parameters "pypars parp 62 1.13", "pypars parp 64 0.68", "pypars parp 72 0.527", ] theApp.EvtMax = 250 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Pool Persistency #--------------------------------------------------------------- from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream Stream1 = AthenaPoolOutputStream( "Stream1" ) Stream1.ItemList += ["2101#*", "133273#*" ] Stream1.ForceRead=TRUE Stream1.OutputFile = "darksector.evnt.root" #-- PrintMC PrintMC = Algorithm( "PrintMC" ) theApp.TopAlg += ["PrintMC"] #event SVC key PrintMC.McEventKey = "GEN_EVENT" # do you want output at all? TRUE/FALSE PrintMC.VerboseOutput = TRUE # Event print style Vertex(traditional)/Barcode(barcode ordered) PrintMC.PrintStyle = "Barcode" # First and last event to print, if no last events => job end are printed PrintMC.FirstEvent = 1 PrintMC.LastEvent = 2 PrintMC.OutputLevel=6