The instructions use the c6-1-24-1 (Dell C6420) as an example

Switch ports

Available ports

Look for all the switches for available ports

The c6420 nodes need 2 switch ports:

1 Gigabit (ethernet) for IDRAC and EM1(cobbler building)

1 Ten Gigabit

Ports Configuration in switch

Refer to the configurations of the other similar C6420 work nodes.

Basically, the 10Gb port needs to be setup to LCAP (bonding) model

sw1#show running-config interface ethernet 1/g18

description "c6-1-24-1 iDrac/PXE"

spanning-tree portfast

mtu 9216

switchport access vlan 4010

lldp transmit-tlv port-desc sys-name sys-desc sys-cap

lldp transmit-mgmt

lldp notification

lldp med

lldp med transmit-tlv location

lldp med transmit-tlv ex-pse

lldp med transmit-tlv ex-pd

lldp med transmit-tlv inventory

sw23#show running-config interface tengigabitethernet 1/33


interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/33

description "c6-1-24-4 Phys1"

no ip address


port-channel-protocol LACP

port-channel 79 mode active


protocol lldp

advertise dot1-tlv port-protocol-vlan-id port-vlan-id

advertise dot3-tlv max-frame-size

advertise management-tlv management-address system-capabilities system-description system-name

advertise interface-port-desc

advertise med

no shutdown

sw23#show running-config interface port-channel 79


interface Port-channel 79

description "c6-1-24-4"

no ip address

mtu 9216

portmode hybrid


no shutdown

sw23#show running-config interface vlan 4001


interface Vlan 4001

description "AGLT2_Public"

no ip address

mtu 9216

tagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/14

tagged Port-channel 1-13,23,36-41,61-80,83

untagged Port-channel 31,88-89

no shutdown

sw23#show running-config interface vlan 4010


interface Vlan 4010

description "AGLT2_Private"

no ip address

mtu 9216

tagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/14

tagged Port-channel 23,31,88-89

untagged Port-channel 1-13,36-41,61-80,83

no shutdown

IP addresses

Refer to this document to decide what IP addresses are available

One work node requires 3 IP addresses:

10.10.1.X or 10.10.2.X for private IP

10.10.0.X or 10.10.3.X for IDRAC cards

192.41.230.X or 192.41.231.X for public IP

We normally use the same X in the above IP addresses to keep the consistency.

All the 10.10.[0-3].X belong to vlan 4010

All the 192.41.[230-231].X belong to vlan 4001


Local DNS

Local DNS is added from CFEngine, then dns server( gets the update from cfengine

add to /masterfiles/stash/dns/named/

209 PTR rac-c6-1-24-1.local.

add to /masterfiles/stash/dns/named/

209 PTR c6-1-24-1.local.

add to /masterfiles/stash/dns/named/local.domain

c6-1-24-1 A

rac-c6-1-24-1 A

Public DNS

Public DNS is requested from Merit (need to register to membership and be authorized)

CFEngine updates

Add the name pattern of the new work nodes to /masterfiles/inputs/


comment => "UM Tier2 worker nodes",

or => {







comment => "The new C6420-class machines with 10Gb NICs",

or => {





System Setup Configuration


In order to do the system setup, the machine has to be connected to KVM.

The idrac/em1 mac address is available from the tag in the end of the machine, but the mac address for p3p1/2 can only be got from the \x93Device Settings\x94

The C6420 has idrac and em1 sharing the same physical interface(one RJ45 interface), but having 2 different mac addresses.

Press F2 to enter system setup

Settings include :

  1. BIOS Boot Settings
  2. IDRAC Settings (configure IP for IDRAC card)
  3. Device Settings RAID (configure virtual disk )

1) System BIOS->Boot Settings

Boot Mode: BIOS

Boot Sequence Retry: Disabled

Hard-Disk Failover: Disabled

Note: It is important to set Boot Model to BIOS, otherwise, the DHCP does not work!

2) IDRA Settings->Network

Register DRAC on DNS: Disabled

DNS DRAC name: rac-c6-3-11-4

Autoconfig Domain Name: Disabled

IP V4 Settings:

Enable DPHC: Disabled

Input IP/gateway/Subnet Mask/DNS


Enable IPMI Over LAN: Enabled


Enable VLAN ID: Disabled

3) Device Settings->Raid Controller

Configuration Management-> Convert to Raid Compatible

Select both physical disks, and confirm, then return to the Configuration Management Page

Configuration Management->Create Virtual Disk

Select Raid Level: RAID0

Select Physical Disk: Enter to select both pdisks, and click \x93Apply Changes\x94

Return to the previous page(create virtual disk):

Virtual Disk Name: System

Click \x93Create Virtual Disk\x94, it opens another page, and select \x93Confirm\x94, and click on \x93Yes\x94, it returns to the previous page(create virtual disk)

Verify Virtual Disk Settings:

Return to the Raid Device configuration page: Choose \x93Virtual Disk Management\x94 to verify the virtual disk setup (We use Raid 0 over 2 Pdisks to create this Vdisk, it is total capacity is the sum of the 2 pdisks, 2.4TB)

Console Access without KVM

After setting the idrac, the console should be available through

http://idrac_ip (

The default login is root/calvin

Password is required to be reset after the initial login

Reboot the Machine

It should start building through PXE boot

Operations After Building

Execute the following commands:

sh /root/tools/

systemctl start lustre_umt3

omconfig system esmlog action=clear

sh /etc/

systemctl start condor

Cobbler system profile creation

1. Through the cobbler web interface, choose the system profile of a similar node, and copy, then rename the copy to the new work node name(c6-1-24-1)

2. In Edit model, updating

General->Netboot Enabled (checked)


Networking->bond0 (IP, subnet mask), bond0.4001(IP, subnet mask), em1(mac,subnet mask, check static), p3p1(mac), p3p2(mac)

3. Push cobbler sync

4. The c work nodes need dynamical IP pool from DHCP, on the cobbler server, after

cobbler sync, run /root/tools/

[root@sysprov02 tmp]# more /root/tools/


## This script allows dynamical IP allocation to the dhcp client, this is necessary to build all the C work nodes (the bl- work nodes do not require this)

sed -i -e 's/\#range dynamic-bootp/range dynamic-bootp/' /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

systemctl restart dhcpd

Update various machine lists

Adding the new work nodes to various places in /atlas/data08/manage/cluster

[root@umt3int03 cluster]# grep -r c6-1-24-1 *










-- WenjingWu - 18 Feb 2019

This topic: AGLT2 > WebHome > ProcedureofBuildingNewNodes
Topic revision: 18 Feb 2019, WenjingWu
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