Syslog-NG Log Processing on ATGRID

The syslog-ng software can generate a significant amount of data over time. On we have a RAID5 system being used to store the logs in a MySQL DB (/data06/var/lib/mysql).

The syslog-ng system has a PHP script which does the equivalent of logrotate for the MySQL DB tables. The resulting DB tables are stored as logsYYYYMMDD.[frm|MYI|MYD].

I wrote a simple Perl script which uses the Date::Manip Perl package to migrate all such log tables older than 90 days off to /afs/ It is located with the other PHP scripts /var/www/html/php-syslog-ng/scripts/ The file is:

#  Move tables older than 3 months to AFS
# Shawn McKee

use Date::Manip;

@files = glob("$srcdir/logs*.MYD");
foreach $file (@files) {
#    print " Found file $file\n";
    $dateold = &ParseDate("$mon/$day/$year");
    $datenow = &ParseDate("today");
    $delta = DateCalc($dateold,$datenow,\$err);
    $ageindays = Delta_Format($delta,$dec,"%dt");
    if ($ageindays > $maxdays ) {
        $result=system("tar -jcf $destdir/logs$year$mon$day\.tar\.bz2 $srcdir/*$year$mon$day*");
#       print " Result of tar'ing ./*$year$mon$day* is $result\n";
        if ($result == 0) {
            $resdel=system("rm -f $srcdir/*$year$mon$day*");
#           print " Result of delete of $file is $resdel\n";

This should be added to the cron.weekly run on atgrid.

-- ShawnMcKee - 01 Oct 2007

This topic: AGLT2 > UMAtlasSoftware > UMSyslogNGLogs
Topic revision: 01 Oct 2007, ShawnMcKee
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