Basics steps to install dCache

First, install a package from As of this writing we run on 1.9.4-3.

cf.dcache in cfengine can manage config files for you. Right now only on thor01, and only to copy common files in place from a common version:

    dCacheSetup (this is the "primary" setup file...most others are "soft-links" to it)
       gridftpdoorSetup (this is NOT a soft-link)
       poolSetup  (this is NOT a soft-link)

After doing this, cd /opt/d-cache/install and run It will tell you to make keys, so do that too:
cd /opt/d-cache/config
ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -b  768 -f ./server_key -N ""
ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -b 1024 -f ./host_key   -N ""

Then we need to create pools. It is recommended to have some buffer space for your pools. This can be done either by setting a quota on your filesystem which leaves room to expand or by setting the pool size to about 5GB less than your filesystem size. Thor01, for example, uses zfs filesystems with reservations and quotas set to leave 5GB to expand in each zpool. So we set our poolsize to fill the filesystem completely:

/etc/init.d/dcache pool create 9062G /dcache/pool
/etc/init.d/dcache pool create 9072G /dcache1/pool
/etc/init.d/dcache pool create 9072G /dcache2/pool
/etc/init.d/dcache pool create 9072G /dcache3/pool

Then we add the pools to dCache:
/etc/init.d/dcache pool add thor01_1 /dcache/pool
/etc/init.d/dcache pool add thor01_2 /dcache1/pool
/etc/init.d/dcache pool add thor01_3 /dcache2/pool
/etc/init.d/dcache pool add thor01_4 /dcache3/pool

And make sure to start dache and set it up to run at bootup. All that is needed is to link an init script to /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache, which takes "start" and "stop" as arguments (among other things). Set it to run in the appropriate run-levels either with chkconfig on Linux or by manually making links on Solaris (S in /etc/rc3.d, K in all the rest).

-- BenMeekhof - 08 Sep 2009

This topic: AGLT2 > WebHome > SunX4540SolarisOnCF > SunX4540ConfigSolaris > InstallDcache
Topic revision: 25 Apr 2012, BenMeekhof
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